Articles on: Monitoring student achievement

Viewing individual student results (one language)

There are 2 different ways for you to find individual student results on

Option 1 - Search by student name

Log in to and click on the search box. Type s: followed by your student's first and last name, and then hit enter.

Click view profile to be taken to your student's profile.

To view results for one language studied, select the appropriate language class from the Class filter at the top of the page. You can also amend the Time filter to see a more focused window of results.

Option 2 - Search through class

Click on your name in the top right-hand corner and go to My Classes.

Select the class the student is in and click on the Students tab.

Click view student next to the name of a student whose results you’d like to see. You will then be taken to the student's profile.

To view results for one language studied, select the appropriate language class from the Class filter at the top of the page. You can also amend the Time filter to see a more focused window of results.

On this page you can see:

how many points they have earned in total

how many exercises they’ve completed in total

how long they’ve spent on the site this week

an overview of the types and difficulty levels of all of the exercises they’ve done

which levels they've reached in Nutty Tilez

A full activity log with a breakdown of all of the activities they’ve completed.

Exercises with a green tick in the Assigned? column were set as class work, whereas exercises with no tick were completed independently.

If you see a lightning bolt ⚡️ in the points column of an exercise, your student has reached the points cap on that particular exercise. Read more about points caps here.

If you see an arrow ⬆️ in the points column of an exercise, your student needs to get a higher score in that exercise to earn more points. Read more about points on here.

Note: This page shows all of the work a student has completed in the language of that class. To see the work they have done across all languages click here.

Updated on: 03/10/2023

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