Class points and leaderboards

Class points and leaderboards

Class Points

Total class points are determined by the points the students in the class have earned. The points earned when students do set work are added to the total of the class that the work was set for.

When students earn points for completing work independently, their points are also added to the class total. Note that:

  If a student completes independent work in one subject, their points will not be added to the total of any classes they are part of in any other subject, e.g. points earned for independent French work won't be added to the total of a German class.

  If a student is in more than one class in the same language, the points they earn for independent work are only added to the class total of the class they were added to most recently.

In-school leaderboards

On your teacher homepage, you can see a separate leaderboard for each of your classes. The points shown in these leaderboards only represent the points earned by the students in that class, and not an overall total of all the points a student has earned.

You can toggle the view to decide whether you'd like to see the points your students have earned that day, that week, or in total.

Students will see this leaderboard on their homepage too, so they will know where they rank in their classes.

You can also see a leaderboard of all of the classes in your school, which will show you the total number of points each class in the school has earned. You can toggle the view to decide whether you'd like to see the points the classes have earned that day, that week, or in total.

Global Leaderboards

The leaderboards labeled All Classes and All Students show the highest performing classes and students using the site across the world. On the class leaderboard, classes are ranked by average points per student, not total points, so that the ranking is fair regardless of class size.

The counter is refreshed each Friday at 7pm GMT, so that each and every class has a chance to win, regardless of how long they’ve been using the site or how they fared in previous weeks.

You can toggle the global leaderboard to see the current rankings or last week's rankings.

Students' personal points

Students will see their overall total (across all subjects) on their homepage – it appears next to their avatar.

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