For students: Finding your assignments
How to find your assigned work on This is School.
When you log in to as a student, you'll be able to see how many tasks you have due straight away as long as you're using the correct language platform - just look at the number notification on your homepage!
To find out what these assignments are and when they're due, all you need to do is:
Click on the pink Assignments button below your avatar.
At the top of the next page, you'll see the following filters:
To Do
You'll have a notification telling you how many upcoming tasks you have to complete - just click on the Go To Task button to give it a go.
On, you can complete a task up to 1 month after the due date and it will be marked as completed (but late!) on your teacher's end. You'll have a notification telling you how many upcoming tasks you have to complete - just click on the Go To Task button to give it a go.
All of the assigned tasks you complete will be stored here. You can go back and improve on any tasks that you haven't yet mastered (i.e. received 100% in) any time you like!
Never Completed
All of the tasks you didn't get round to completing will be stored in this tab.
If you want a comprehensive overview of everything you've achieved on This is School, just view your activity log.
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