Grading speaking assignments
Find out how you can assign Speaking tasks here.
After you’ve assigned a Speaking task on This is School, it will appear in the 'Assignments' tab of the Class in question, like this:
Here, you’ll be able to see how many students have recorded their responses, as well as the start date and due date for the assignment.
When you are ready to grade the submitted responses, click on the View button on the right.
Pick a student whose response you’d like to listen to and click Grade.
To listen to the student’s response, just click on the Play button. You can listen to the response as many times as you’d like before giving them a mark.
Use the sliding scales to give the student a mark for each of your chosen criteria.
Once you've done this, you'll see that a total and percentage score are automatically generated.
Add a written or audio comment to give your student more information about what they did well and areas in which they could improve.
Once you're happy, click Submit to send the student their mark.
Your student will see their submission and the grade that you've given them in their Assignments tab.
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